On Sep 7, 2005, at 10:04 AM, nathan wagner wrote:

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 09:45:17AM -0700, josh@agliodbs.com wrote:

I think the issue is portability. Remember that this type needs to work on
Windows as well as all POSIX platforms and AIX.

I had forgotten about windows. I'll see to what extent the library i'm
using is portable to windows.

You don't need to use a non-standard library for a lot of platforms, you're pretty much guaranteed UUID support for (at least): Linux/Darwin/Mac OS X: uuid_generate <uuid/uuid.h> (part of libc, at least on Darwin)
FreeBSD: uuid_create <uuid.h> (again, libc)
Windows: UuidCreate <Rpc.h> (link to Rpcrt4.dll, IIRC)

Where a native UUID generate is not available, you can include some implementation, but surely other platforms also include UUID implementations.

I think Windows portability is a non-issue here.


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