Manfred Koizar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I.e. drop the flags for very short strings.

I don't think the interaction of this idea with TOAST has been thought
through very carefully.  Some points to consider:

* If the 'e' (external) bit is set, the actual length is 20 or so bytes.
Always.  There is no need for an 'e' bit in the variants that store a
longer length.

* I agree with Manfred that you could blow off the case of compressing
strings shorter than 128 bytes, so you really only need the 'c' bit
for the longer variants.  Hence, just one flag bit is needed in all

* The proposal to reduce the alignment to char breaks TOAST pointers,
which contain fields that need to be word-aligned (at least on machines
that are picky about alignment).  Maybe we could just live with that,
by copying the in-datum data to and from properly aligned local storage
in the routines that need to access the pointer fields.  It's an extra
cost though, as well as a probable source of bugs that will only be
noticed on non-Intel hardware.

* In the 'c' case you need to store *two* lengths, the physical length
and the decompressed length.  Is it worth playing the same kind of
game with the decompressed length?  Again, you can't just do nothing
because the proposal breaks word-alignment of the decompressed length.

Another thing that's bothering me about this is that it'll lead to weird
new coding rules that will certainly break a lot of code; notably "you
can't access VARDATA(x) until you've assigned the correct value to
VARSIZE(x)."  This will be a particular pain in the neck for code that
likes to fill in the data before it makes a final determination of the
result size.

So I'm feeling a good deal of sales resistance to the idea that this
ought to replace our existing varlena representation.  At least for
internal use.  Maybe the right way to think about this is that a
compressed length word is a form of TOASTing, which we apply during
toast compression and undo during PG_DETOAST_DATUM.  If we did that,
the changes would be vastly more localized than if we try to make
all the datatype manipulation routines cope.  Not sure about the
speed tradeoffs involved, though.

                        regards, tom lane

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