Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > On contented case you'll want task switch anyway, so the futex
> > managing should not matter.
> No, we DON'T want a task switch.  That's the entire point: in a
> multiprocessor, it's a good bet that the spinlock is held by a task
> running on another processor, and doing a task switch will take orders
> of magnitude longer than just spinning until the lock is released.
> You should yield only after spinning long enough to make it a strong
> probability that the spinlock is held by a process that's lost the
> CPU and needs to be rescheduled.

Does the futex code make any attempt to record the CPU of the process grabbing
the lock? Clearly it wouldn't be a guarantee of anything but if it's only used
for short-lived spinlocks while acquiring longer lived locks then maybe?

> No; that page still says specifically "So a process calling
> sched_yield() now must wait until all other runnable processes in the
> system have used up their time slices before it will get the processor
> again."  I can prove that that is NOT what happens, at least not on
> a multi-CPU Opteron with current FC4 kernel.  However, if the newer
> kernels penalize a process calling sched_yield as heavily as this page
> claims, then it's not what we want anyway ...

Well it would be no worse than select or any other random i/o syscall.

It seems to me what you've found is an outright bug in the linux scheduler.
Perhaps posting it to linux-kernel would be worthwhile.


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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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