Rod Taylor wrote:
the problem is: COPY can write data returned by a SELECT statement to a file. our idea is to implement precisely that.


COPY TO file_name USING some_select_statement;

I have run into plenty of cases where I wanted to dump part of a
structure and this could be used for that, but I've always found that
temporary tables were sufficient and equally SQL scriptable

        CREATE TEMP TABLE tab AS SELECT ...; COPY tab TO file_name;

Hi Rod,

TEMP TABLE are not suitable for my case. Using a temp table would essentially mean that we had to store the data 3 times: Original data, temp table + dump. Temp tables are only fine for small amounts of data but we are talking about too much data here (my smallest export will contain 15.000.000 records).

        Best regards,


Cybertec Geschwinde & Schönig GmbH
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