
I have a very old postgres 6.4 installation. I'm trying to connect to it from a fresh, up-to-date Debian-host, but I'm constantly getting (from DBI and PHP as well) this error message:

# ./update_dns.pl
DBI connect('dbname=dns;host=sql;authtype=password','dns',...) failed: expected authentication request from server, but received U
 at ./update_dns.pl line 237

Connection with psql works OK. Connecting from different (older) hosts with DBI/PHP works perfect as well. Something must have changed in recent versions of libpq and now it doesn't work. I looked into source code and found that the server's message at the very start of conversation appears to be something else than the libpq expects. But how to fix it?! Has the protocol change or what?

P.S. Don't tell me to upgrade postgres :) It must stay like that for some reasons which are beyond me.
Samotnik Michał Jęczalik, +48.695.64.75.14
www.zagle.org.pl   - rejsy morskie

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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