Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Hannu Krosing wrote:
>> On L, 2005-09-24 at 20:25 -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>>> Actually this also probably would not gain you much in 8.1
>>> as vacuum in theory is already dealing with itself.
>> Interesting. Could you explain it in a more detailed way ?
>> How does vacuum "deal with itself" in 8.1 ?
> Autovacuum is integrated into the backend for 8.1

Can I set the autovacuum parameter per table instead of per
engine ? I'm using pg_autovacuum right now in 7.4 and is not
enough because some tables ( one that implement a materialized
view for example ) are out of an average engine usage and other
tables are so huge to not be analyzed for months.....

Gaetano Mendola

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