Daniel Duvall wrote:

> I've looked at PostgreSQL and EnterpriseDB, but I can't find anything
> definitive  as far as clustering capabilities.  What kinds of projects
> are there for clustering PgSQL, and are any of them mature enough for
> commercial apps?

As you well know "clustering" means all and nothing at the same time.
We do have a commercial failover cluster for provided by Redhat,
with postgres running on it. The Postgres is installed on both nodes and the
data are stored on SAN, only one instance of postgres run at time in one
of two nodes. In last 2 years we had a failure and the service relocation
worked as expected.

Consider also that applications shall have a good behaviour like "try" to
close the current connection and retry to open a new one for a while....

Gaetano Mendola

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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