Hi Devrim, thanks for the quick response.

> We haven't discussed it before, but I think we can't put the RPM among
> PGDG RPMs. The main reason is that this is not a piece of software that's
> included within that release of PostgreSQL. Also, this compat RPM is not
> needed if you don't have a software that needs that RPM.

Have a look at my original post: I was unable to install any of the PGDG RPMs 
as they have a dependency on the contents of the compat RPM. E.g.:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 8.x]# rpm -i postgresql-libs-8.0.3-1PGDG.i686.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        libecpg.so.4 is needed by postgresql-libs-8.0.3-1PGDG
        libpgtypes.so.1 is needed by postgresql-libs-8.0.3-1PGDG
        libpq.so.3 is needed by postgresql-libs-8.0.3-1PGDG

Once I installed the compat RPM, I could then install 
postgresql-libs-8.0.3-1PGDG. So the software that needs the compat RPM is the 

Please tell me if I have missed something here, I'm not claiming any great 
insight, just what rpm seems to be telling me, and what worked to get me 
through the installation.

> Also remember that this will be probably 'solved' in RHEL 5 (and FC 5), so
> merging compat with main libs package is not a good idea.

Our clients are still on ES3.0, then they *might* migrate to 4.0 one day. 
RHEL5 is a long way off for us, I assure you :-) so I'm happy to lend any 
help I can to resolve this issue for ES3.0.

I don't quite understand how the compat libs can be counted as "not part of 
this release" if the release packages require it. Is it maybe just an issue 
with rpm creating automatic dependiencies for those .so files? (sorry, this 
is me at my vaguest, rpm is something of an unknown to me, but I suspect I'm 
about to learn).

Regards, Philip.

Utiba Pty Ltd 
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