Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What I'm experiencing is a problem ( I upgraded today from
> 7.4.x to 8.0.3 ) that I explain here:

> The following function just return how many records there
> are inside the view v_current_connection

>    c INTEGER;
>    SELECT count(*) INTO c FROM v_current_connection;
>    RETURN c;
> END;
> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

> I have the following select

> # select count(*), sp_count() from v_current_connection;
>  count | sp_count
> - -------+----------
>    977 |      978

> as you can see the two count are returning different record
> numbers ( in meant time other transactions are updating tables
> behind the view v_current_connection ).

This isn't surprising at all, if other transactions are actively
changing the table.  See the release notes for 8.0:

: Observe the following incompatibilities: 
:      In READ COMMITTED serialization mode, volatile functions now see
:      the results of concurrent transactions committed up to the
:      beginning of each statement within the function, rather than up to
:      the beginning of the interactive command that called the function.
:      Functions declared STABLE or IMMUTABLE always use the snapshot of
:      the calling query, and therefore do not see the effects of actions
:      taken after the calling query starts, whether in their own
:      transaction or other transactions.  Such a function must be
:      read-only, too, meaning that it cannot use any SQL commands other
:      than SELECT.

If you want this function to see the same snapshot as the calling query
sees, declare it STABLE.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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