Alvaro Herrera wrote:
I don't see any easy way to fix this except by introducing a lot more
locking than is there now --- ie, holding the MultiXactGenLock until the
new mxact's starting offset has been written to disk.  Any better ideas?

Well, it isn't a very good solution because it requires us to retain the
MultiXactGenLock past a XLogInsert and some I/O on SLRU pages.
Previously the lock was mostly only used in short operations and very
rarely held during I/O.  But I don't see any other solution either.
Patch attached.

The patch works wonderfully. I'm trying to stress the whole app and with no errors until now.

Thanks to Matteo for finding the bug!

Thanks to you all for helping out and fixing it :)

Best regards
Matteo Beccati

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