Jim C. Nasby wrote:

On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 04:12:01PM -0400, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Well, with enumkit you can't, because the values are hardwired in the .so file. With a builtin facility you would be able to, because the values would live in the catalog. However, hacking the catalog is not something I would encourage - what you are suggesting basically breaks the abstraction. But sure, it would be possible. I would not provide an SQL level facility to do it, though. My approved way to do it would be like the example I gave earlier.

Why not allow renaming though? It seems like a logical feature to have,
and an easy one to add. What am I missing?

That it is not changing a name, but a value. It's roughly the equivalent of inserting a new digit between 3 and 4. Your "feature" breaks the abstraction I am trying to implement.



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