> From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 05:45:51PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> >> Jim, are you interested
> >> in seeing if this patch makes the problem go away for you?
> > Well, this is a production system... what's the risk with 
> that patch?
> Well, it's utterly untested, which means it might crash your system,
> which is where you are now, no?

Yes, but the crashes are somewhat sporadic and most importantly they don't 
appear to involve any data loss/corruption. I just don't want to make matters 
any worse.

In any case, my client's gone home for the weekend, so I doubt anything would 
happen until Monday.

> > BTW, is it typical to see a 10 difference between asserts 
> on and off? My
> > client has a process that was doing 10-20 records/sec with 
> asserts on
> > and 90-110 with asserts off.
> Not typical, but I can believe there are some code paths like that.

Yeah, they're doing some not-so-good things like row-by-row operations, so 
that's probably what the issue is. I seem to recall 20% being the penalty 
that's normally thrown around, so I was just surprised by such a huge 

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