On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 18:43, Tom Lane wrote:
> If it doesn't have a value for the parameter, it'll assume 10% of table
> rows, which is what it's done for a long time if the LIMIT isn't
> reducible to a constant.

Is 10% a reasonable guess here ?

Here we use limit in combination with prepared statements to get
something like less than 1% of the table. There are no exceptions to
that in our code... even if the limit amount is a parameter.

Furthermore, the limit amount is always a small number, usually ~ 100,
but never more than 1000. So in my case, we could live with a suboptimal
plan when the percentage would be more than 10%, cause then the table
would be small enough not to matter that much. In turn it has a huge
impact to wrongly guess 10% for a huge table...

I think the best would be to guess 5% but maximum say 5000. That could
work well with both small and huge tables. Maybe those values could be
made configurable... just ideas, not like I could implement this...



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