Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a related question. qsort is only used in the postgres source in a few
> places. If postgres used an internal implementation instead of the library
> source it could have implementations that don't use function pointers.

There are calls to qsort in upwards of 40 different source files; many
of those files contain multiple comparator functions.  Doesn't look like
"a few" to me.  But I'll grant that the vast majority are not
performance critical.  One could imagine putting a custom implementation
into only tuplesort.c, say, where you could certainly get rid of one
level of function call (qsort_comparetup) by providing a saner API that
passes a state pointer as well as a function pointer to the qsort code.
Whether that would be worth the trouble is a question for experiment ...

                        regards, tom lane

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