--- Karel Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

I have a patch like this. But this was for 7.4.x. I have to take a look
at it.

> That's important point. How resolve this problem Oracle? Maybe we can
> say (in docs) that with non-English locales it works with days/months
> names as in FM (fill) mode.
Yeah. We could make the new mode (TM?) ignores the FX mode and write a
note in docs.

> I think that for backward compatibility the locale sensitive
> to_char()
> should be implemented as separate call "to_char(datetime, format,
> locale)" or we should add new modifiers to the current to_char,
> something like "to_char(datetime, "LCMonth") or both.
I vote for another modifier (TM?). That's more flexible than another
function overload because to_char() implements modifiers yet.

> I don't have any time to work on to_char(), I can help to review
> patches
> only.
OK. I'll send a revised patch ASAP.

Euler Taveira de Oliveira


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