"Greg Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> But I don't see turning on and off the WAL on a per-transaction basis to 
> be
> useful. Every transaction in the system is affected by the WAL status of 
> every
> other transaction working with the same tables. It doesn't serve any 
> purpose
> to have one transaction bypassing the WAL while everyone else does WAL 
> logging
> for the same table; they're all going to lose if the system crashes.
Sure, so a minimal amount xlog is required. And to make finished transaction 
durable, issue a checkpoint.

> It seems to me the only rational way to approach this is to have a 
> per-table
> flag that sets that table to be non-logged. Essentially changing a table's
> behaviour to that of a temporary table except that other transactions can 
> see
> it. If the system crashes the table is truncated on system restore.
> The only problem I have with this is that it smells too much like MySQL 
> tables...
Table are related, so table A references table B. So set a per-table flag is 
hard to use or doesn't work.


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