Martijn van Oosterhout <> writes:
> If you want technical details I can do that too (the summary on
> pg-patches a while ago is now wildly out of date). Currently I'm trying
> to get up to speed on pathkeys and indexes before the tree drifts too
> far...

I've given this advice before to other people: trying to develop a large
patch "in hiding" is doomed to failure.  And the sort of patch you are
talking about isn't large ... it's massive.  Combine that with the fact
that you don't even seem to have gotten any pghackers buy-in yet on what
you are doing, and you are setting yourself up to have the patch
rejected, in the unlikely scenario that it's ever completed.  My bet is
that you by yourself will be unable to complete it, simply because the
tree will drift under you faster than you can respond.  (Case in point:
my current project on row-wise comparisons is going to affect ScanKeys.
I'm not sure how yet, but in designing that I won't be considering what
impact it might have on you, because I have no idea what you might be
trying to do in that area.)

I would recommend posting some fairly detailed design discussions
concerning what you see as the new semantics, API, and catalog
representation for operators and operator classes.  If you haven't
got buy-in at that level from the hackers list, it's premature to be
writing any code at all.

I would further recommend that you ask for help rather than trying to
complete the project by yourself.

                        regards, tom lane

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