> > However, libpostgres.a isn't in $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir), it's in
> > $(DESTDIR)/$(libdir) and when I make that change in the installed 
> > makefile my module builds happily.
> > My question is: if I make this change will anything else break? 
> Offhand that seems like it may just be a thinko in the 
> original makefile coding.  Has anyone tried to use PGXS on 
> windows before?

I have, it works for me. I get for example:

dlltool --export-all  --output-def dblink-ldap.def dblink-ldap.o
dllwrap  -o libdblink-ldap.dll --dllname libdblink-ldap.dll  --def
dblink-ldap.def dblink-ldap.o -LD:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/bin
-LD:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/lib -L/f/krb5/lib/i386/mingw -lwldap32
dlltool --dllname libdblink-ldap.dll  --def dblink-ldap.def --output-lib

As you see, it adds both bin and lib. This is from a fresh cvs install
on my local msys - not installed from installer, and all building is
from msys.

That said, it still doesn't look right in the makefile :-)


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