> >> What would we patch it with? I don't think anybody has found a 
> >> problem there, this is a separate file that you ship along with it.
> > Well, the problem is that it handles backslash incorrectly. 
>  We could 
> > patch that in the readline source rather than playing with a 
> > configuaration file.
> Do the readline developers agree that it's "incorrect"?  I 
> could see shipping a patch as a short-term band-aid, but not 
> if the patch isn't going to be accepted upstream.

I have seen no such agreement. The ability to reconfigure the keys is
definitly a feature, so it could perhaps be argued to be that. In
general, I don't think they care too much about win32 :-( Which is
another thing that makes libedit a lot more encouraging - if it could be
made working.

Bruce wrote:
> I think what we don't have is saving history between psql uses.

We do keep history if the new psql is startede in the same
commandprompt. If you start a new cmd, history gets reset. (Which is
what happens if you start it from the start menu)



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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