On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 19:40:33 -0500,
  "Clark C. Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While the textual description of this view "Identify domain constraints
> in this catalog accessable to a given user." has not changed between
> SQL-1992 and SQL-2003, the actual critera specified is quite different:
> In SQL 1992, it seems to show only domains that are in schemas owned by
> the current user.  In SQL 2003, it seems to be more intelligent: showing
> all constraints that are visible to the current user.  I'm curious which
> rule PostgreSQL's information_schema is using?  I think the SQL-2003
> rules more properly follow the textual description and are more useful;
> the SQL-1999 rules are effectively useless in all but trivial cases.

This has been discussed previously in a couple of threads. I believe the
desire is to make it work as specified in SQL-2003, but I do not remember
whether or not anyone volunteered to do the work to make it happen.

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