Tom Lane wrote:

Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I would still much prefer to see remote config fetching done in a more general way, using say libcurl (which handles ldap just fine if openldap is available). Then we could fetch the config from a variety of sources, not just ldap.

What other cases are actually interesting?  How much code do we save
if we use libcurl instead of homegrown LDAP-accessing code?  Does
libcurl bring in any secondary dependencies, or have limitations of
its own (thread safety is one obvious point to ask about)?

Depending on an outside library isn't free, so I think the tradeoff
has to be considered carefully.


It claims to be thread-safe. It has both synch and asynch APIs - fetching something synchronously involves literally a handful of lines of code.

There are no dependencies that should bother us - for all our uses they would be things we normally use anyway, like openssl and zlib. Plus for this purpose openldap, of course. These are all optional.

As for uses, I could well imagine hosting a service map on an internal web server, for example. If you want it by property it could even be done with a CGI script that gives you just the bit you want.

I'm not hugely dogmatic about it, but it seemed to me that for about the same amount of trouble we could provide a much more general mechanism.



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