On Monday 13 March 2006 12:27, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> Great. That'll certainly help - now you don't have to wait for binaries
> from me.
> What I'd be interested in seeing is new stackdumps from a version where
> you:
> 1) Do *not* have the patch for mutexes applied
> 2) Have removed "static" from all the function devlarations in signal.c
> and socket.c, bnoth in src/backend/port/win32.

I did that, and the interesting thing is that: 
1. It takes much longer to hang.
2. Once it hangs, the stacktraces are the same.
3 (and this is the kicker). The thing starts working again after a couple (+/- 
5) minutes ?????????

1. can probably be explained by the fact that I didn't compile with any 
optimization. Can you tell me what CFLAGS the binary distro uses? 2. I don't 
know (are there other tools I can use?), and 3. I frankly don't understand. I 
know for sure that with the stock 8.1.3 it would not revive itself (I let it 
running for a *long* time).

> If you can, it'd be interesting to see it from the pre-SP1 install as
> well - once it hangs.

I've never seen a pre-SP1 install hang.

> > On a whim, I replaced InitializeCriticalSection with
> > InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, since MSDN told me
> > that would be better for SMP. No joy.
> No, that should make no difference - except possibly a tiny difference
> in speed.
> Do you have the ability to test 8.0 on the same machine? We did some
> extensive modifications to the signal stuff between 8.0 and 8.1, it'd be
> interesting to see if that changed things.

I seem to remember we made ourselves dependend on 8.1 somehow, but will check.


Jan de Visser                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!

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