> > There is a more serious issue here though: if we allow more 
> than one 
> > SSL library, what exactly can an application safely do with the 
> > returned pointer?  It strikes me as very dangerous for the app to 
> > assume it knows which SSL library is underneath libpq.  It's not at 
> > all hard to imagine an app getting an OpenSSL struct pointer and 
> > trying to pass it to GnuTLS or vice versa.  To the extent 
> that there 
> > are apps out there that depend on doing something with this 
> function, 
> > I think that even contemplating supporting multiple SSL 
> libraries is a threat.
> The only real way to a solution is to work out why people 
> want the pointer. So far I've found two reasons:
> - People want to hijack the connection after libpq has set it 
> up to do their own processing.
> - People want to examine the certificates more closely.
> The first would be easily handled by providing a formal 
> interface for libpq to hijack the connection with, providing 
> read/write and maybe a few others. The latter is tricker. 
> You're invariably going to run into the problem where the app 
> uses one lib and libpq the other.
> Other than DN and CN, what else would people want?

Issuer (name and certificate), validity dates, basic constraints, key
usage, posslby fingerprint.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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