Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

>On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 09:00:10PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>>Probably there would need to be at least three callbacks involved:
>>one for setup, called just after the tuple descriptor info has been
>>received; one for per-field data receipt, and one for per-tuple
>>operations (called after all the fields of the current tuple have
>>been passed to the per-field callback).  Maybe you'd want a shutdown
>>callback too, although that's probably not strictly necessary since
>>whatever you might need it to do could be done equally well in the
>>app after PQgetResult returns.  (You still want to return a PGresult
>>to carry command success/failure info, and probably the tuple descriptor
>>info, even though use of the callbacks would leave it containing none of
>>the data.)
>Sounds really good. The only thing now is that the main author of the
>wire-protocol code in psqlODBC has not yet made any comment on any of
>this. So we dont want to set anything in stone until we know it would
>solve their problem...

Unfortunately I don't have so much time to examine it.
Though the double_copying issue may be the biggest one, I'm pretty sure
it's not the unqiue one. We are happy if we would be able to replace the
code by libpq API one by one but it's impossible because the driver
can't go back
to libpq mode once after it went into hi-jacking mode.
As for hi-jacking mode used in the driver it's better to be able to use
recv/send than getting the pointer to SSL or socket.

Hiroshi Inoue

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