On 4/27/06, Zeugswetter Andreas DCP SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you please explain what exactly was not working ?
> xlc has in the past shown warnings that were actually problematic code
> that gcc did not show (and the cc variant of xlc also does not show).

This has nothing to do with warnings. With xlc version 6, this code:

Value *
makeString(char *str)
        Value      *v = makeNode(Value);

        v->type = T_String;
        v->val.str = str;
        return v;

Will return objects whose "type" field is T_Value (650), because the
compiler reorders the assignment that makeNode makes with that of the
main function.

"You can't prove anything."
    -- Gödel's Incompetence Theorem

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