Yes, there is no single way, because there are different tasks. There
are many papers on this theme.

I'm pretty sure that first of all we need to analyze other DBMSes'
experience. I'm working on it, analyzing MS, ORA and DB2 (first
results of analysis will be available in several weeks).

I've submitted proposal 'XMLType for PostgreSQL' to Google SoC page
(my 'minimum' list from here:

On 5/4/06, Jonah H. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/3/06, Robert Staudinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on your summer of code page [1] you outline a project "XML improvements".
> Is there any relation (similar goals, feature overlapping, technical
> relation) to the "pgxml" project mentioned for some time on [2]?

No, the XML project idea submitted did not include Oleg's stuff at all.

> now that I'm pondering the submission of a
> SoC proposal I'm wondering if the "XML improvements" project is a
> completely new approach, maybe even superceding the
> approach outlined

At this point in time, I don't believe there's any single best way to
go regarding XML-handling in PostgreSQL.  If you have a neat project
idea, please propose it to us on Google's site!

Jonah H. Harris, Database Internals Architect
EnterpriseDB Corporation

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