Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
What's happening here is that cvs actually creates the directory and then later prunes it when it finds it is empty.

I find that explanation pretty unconvincing.  Why would cvs print a "?"
for such a directory?

cvs will print a ? if it doesn't know what it is... or is that svn?

yes, it's a file/directory it doesn't know about.

At one stage I suppressed these checks, but I found that too many times we saw errors due to unclean repos. So now buildfarm insists on having a clean repo.

I suppose I could provide a switch to turn it off ... in one recent case the repo was genuinely not clean, though, so I am not terribly keen on that approach - but I am open to persuasion.



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