"Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'd like to propose that the behavior of \d schemaname. be changed to
> match

> set search_path = schemaname
> \d

I'm not sure what your reasoning is here, but AFAICS this would move the
behavior away from what you say you want.  What exactly have you got
in mind, and why?  In particular, why do you think that "\d schemaname."
doesn't already produce exactly what you asked for, namely a list of the
tables in that schema?  The above would *not* produce such a list
(counterexample: temp tables).

> One problem I see is that this will break the ability to search for
> tablename. via regex.

You are aware of the double-quoting option in \d search patterns, no?

                        regards, tom lane

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