Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

I think that Java is quite unusual in that the design of JPDA is inherently
client/server based to the point where they have defined the platform to
allow you interact with the JVM via a socket. Unfortunately the same can't
be said for Perl/Python - as you suggest passing the parameters into the
interpreter is a trivial exercise but because the debugging classes in both
languages are console interactive, the only thing you could do is redirect
the console output to a socket (see and the RemotePort option in
the case of Perl).

Obviously I'm not a Perl nor Python hacker. I just find it hard to believe that languages that has matured over a decade doesn't have a remote debug option that can be used. Sockets, shared-memory, pipes, or whatever. You will be able to attach to it somehow given it's been launched with the correct flags.

I think you're wrong in thinking that client/server based debugging is in any way unusual. Googling for perl+debug+remote tells me that client/server based Perl debugging is common. There are a number of solutions. The same is true for Python.

What I would like to see is some form of IDE that our developers can use,
probably under Windows, that would enable them to step through and debug
stored procedures on a remote server on another network. Using simple
console redirection would involve parsing text output which strikes as being
something that would break easily with new releases.
Good IDE's exists already, for both perl, python, and others (you mention Komodo further down). In addition to that you have well tested Emacs mappings and command line clients that people like to use. The more prominent ones will always provide upgrades when there are protocol changes.

And then of course, there is the problem of security whereby anyone could
connect to the socket. For example, imagine a group of developers all
debugging different functions simultaneously; if one of them connected to
the wrong console socket then it could be confusing as the developer wanders
why their code never stops at a breakpoint.

In my experience you have two use-cases.

1. You debug during development and have either have your own database instance to play around with or a shared sandbox database where the security is very low. 2. You debug a running instance on a live server and the sysadmin is well aware what you're doing. You will be given required privileges as needed.

I would argue that the times when security becomes an issue when debugging are extremely rare and not worth spending lots of time and effort on. It is enough to prevent anyone but a super-user (or even a sysadmin) to start a remote debug session.

... the only thing that PL developers would have to is
provide an API for things like step, set breakpoint, read variable, and

Well, the API isn't worth much without an implementation. So in essence, you're saying that the only thing the PL developers would have to do is to provide a full blown debug server ;-)

A promising option at the moment would be to implement the DBGP protocol for
Perl/Python/Tcl as suggested by Lukas, mainly because it appears ActiveState
have already written the modules to do this (see

There you go! Perl, PHP, Python, and Tcl all taken care of. IDE and all!

The only
issue I can see with this is again related to security in that the debugger
would not respect the ACLs within PostgreSQL which could potentially allow a
user to break inside a function that wasn't his/her own.

I'd use the Komodo IDE and implement the ability to start the PL using a GUC setting per my original suggestion (with super-user requirement). Trivial solution, minimum effort, and very useful. KISS principle.

It would be great if we could agree on a GUC flag (or flags) that would control debugging for all PL's. At present, all PL implementors must use their own (module specific) flags.

Kind regards,
Thomas Hallgren

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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