Tom Lane wrote:
Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Something someone said on IRC just now triggered a little memory ... I think we should provide an option to have pg_dump work in CSV mode rather than text mode. This probably doesn't have much importance in the case of text dumps, but in custom or tar dumps where you might want to get at individual data members, having an option for CSVs that you want to load into some other product might be nice.

This is silly.  You'd just COPY the particular table you want, not use
pg_dump.  pg_dump's already got an unreasonably large number of options
without adding ones that have essentially zero use.  Also, I think there
are sufficient grounds to worry about whether a CSV dump would always
reload correctly --- we already know that that's a poorly thought out


Well, if you have dozens or hundreds of tables it might well be more convenient.

As for not reloading - I went to some trouble to make sure that we could reload what we dumped, exactly, unless the force options are used. I might have made a bug in that, but it isn't dependent on the particular CSV format used.

Naturally you won't have a use for it, but I suspect others might (in which case they had better speak up ;-) )

I suppose the alternative would be to write a little tool in perl or whatever to do the same thing for you. Maybe a good pgfoundry project.



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