Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> > I agree with Andrew.  If there are bugs in CSV, then we should fix them,
> > not avoid give users this usability improvement.
> The case for it being a usability improvement seems very weak to me;
> no one has yet demonstrated an actual use-case where someone would pull
> CSV data out of pg_dump output instead of just dumping the table
> directly with COPY.  Now the "anti" case is admittedly hypothetical:
> I'm supposing that we will eventually be bitten by portability problems
> with CSV-style dumps not being loadable into future versions.  But given
> the weak nature of the "pro" case, I think we should be conservative
> and not take that risk.

Well, I saw little request for COPY CSV here, but IRC users were
reporting a lot of interest, and feedback from the release that added it
showed it was a major feature, so just because we haven't see use-case
here doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

As was stated before, the use-case for this is by people we don't
normally have contact with.

  Bruce Momjian

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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