"Alvaro Herrera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> But the problem (or at last a part of the problem) is not what context
> each chunk is allocated in, but where did a given chunk come from (where
> was it allocated), Which is why saving __FILE__/__LINE__ is useful.

Agreed. Maybe we should not clutter these trace info in the AllocChunkData.
We save them in a separe memory context which is only activated when
TRACE_MEMORY is on. Also, recording every __FILE__/__LINE__ seems not
neccessary,  we merge them and record the count of calls. Once a leak is
happened, the usual suspect is the high-count one.

So the output of memory context dump will be looks like this:

    execQual.c     1953    123456
    execHash.c     208       12

> #define lappend(_list_, _elt_) \
> lappend_tracemem(_list_, _elt_, __FILE__, __LINE__)
> #endif

This might be the only portable way I could think of. We don't want to
redefine all of the functions calling palloc()/MemoryContextAlloc(), we
redefine the most suspectable ones like those in heaptuple.c.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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