We have reproduced the problem again.  This time it looks like vacuum is
not part of the picture.  From the provider's log:

2006-06-29 14:02:41 CST DEBUG2 cleanupThread:  101.057 seconds for vacuuming

And from the subscriber's:

2006-06-29 13:00:43 PDT ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "insert into 
"public"."table_trans_attribute" (table_transaction_id,attribute_type,value) 
values ('374740387','22008','4000');

If my maths is correct and the logs are honest, the vacuum would have
started at 14:01:00 CST (13:01:PDT), about 20 seconds after we first
encounter the problem.  The clocks on the two machines, though in
different timezones, are currently synced.

Tom, I will create another tarball of the sl_log_1 table and indexes.
Should be quite a bit smaller than the previous one.


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