Christopher Browne said:
> Per tonight's dinner discussion, it Sure Would Be Nice if psql had an
> additional option that allowed passing in a conninfo string.
> The notion:  Plenty of libraries out there like Pg, DBI::Pg, and such
> make you specify connections in the form:
>   " port=5678 dbname=dumb_db user=chewie"
> Since those strings need to be kept around for the programs that are
> directly using conninfo, it Sure Would Be Nice if those strings could
> also be used as arguments to psql.
> Peter Eisentraut observed that "-D" is not yet used; that's certainly
> an option.
> Thus, supposing we kept conninfo strings in a series of files in
> /opt/scripts/conninfo, we might run a script via...
> #!/bin/sh
> CONNINFO=`cat /opt/scripts/conninfo/dumb_db.conninfo`
> PERIOD='90 days'
> QUERY="delete from my_table where trans_on < now() -
> '${PERIOD}'::interval;" QUERY2="vacuum analyze my_table;"
> psql -D "${CONNINFO}" -c "${QUERY}"
> psql --pqconninfo="${CONNINFO}" -c "${QUERY2}"
> I'm not sure those are forcibly the best names for options, but
> they're a thought...

Why is this better than using the service file?



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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