Currently, we restrict btree index tuples to a size that ensures three of
them will fit on a page.  The motivation for this is the following two

1. In a non-rightmost page, we need to include a "high key", or page
boundary key, that isn't one of the useful data keys.

2. In a non-leaf page, there had better be at least two child pages
(downlink entries), else we have failed to subdivide the page's key
range at all, and thus there would be a nonterminating recursion.

However: a non-leaf page actually has one more pointer than key,
eg a page with three children needs only two data keys:

---------------- entire key range assigned to page ------------------

-- range 1 --  boundary key -- range 2 --  boundary key -- range 3 --
     |                           |                           |
     v                           v                           v
child page 1               child page 2                 child page 3

We implement this by having the first data "tuple" on a non-leaf page
contain only a downlink TID and no key data, ie it's just the header.

So it appears to me that we could allow the maximum size of a btree
entry to be just less than half a page, rather than just less than
a third of a page --- the worst-case requirement for a non-leaf page
is not three real tuples, but one tuple header and two real tuples.
On a leaf page we might manage to fit only one real data item, but
AFAICS that doesn't pose any correctness problems.

Obviously a tree containing many such pages would be awfully inefficient
to search, but I think a more common case is that there are a few wide
entries in an index of mostly short entries, and so pushing the hard
limit up a little would add some flexibility with little performance
cost in real-world cases.

Have I missed something?  Is this worth changing?

                        regards, tom lane

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