
at the code sprint, we agreed to put together some documentation about current and upcoming replication solutions for PostgreSQL. Is somebody already working on that?

For Postgres-R, you can find some information on www.postgres-r.org. And I've just opened a project on pgFoundry. This gives Postgres-R it's own mailing list: http://lists.pgfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/postgres-r-general

I know there is already a Postgres-R project on Gborg. But since everybody is moving to pgFoundry, I'd like to move materials from there and join that with the new website or put it to the pgFoundry project. What about that mailing-list there. Could the archive be 'added' to the new list on pgFoundry? Any opinions or wishes from the Gborg project owners?



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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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