On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 11:36:22AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> The spelling we've used for many years is
>       diff -w -C3

I found only -w, but will append -C3 as well.

> Is there a reason to change from that?


> At least from my perspective, it would be good if there were a way to
> run the regression tests without any use of TCP ports.

It's not necessary, ecpglib uses libpq as any other program, however it does
its own parsing of the connect options and there are quite a few different
formats you could use so it would be nice to cover that by a few small

Do you see a possibility to select what test should be run? Maybe no tcp
connections by default but with an additional make-target "checktcp"?


Joachim Wieland                                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                           GPG key available

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