Andrew Hammond wrote:
> How about "what works with a given release at the time of the
> release"?

We just threw that idea out in the context of the procedural language 
discussion because we do not have the resources to check what works.

> Arguably, neither are most of the procedural languages in the Server
> Programming section of the documentation, and yet they're included.

That is false.  The documentation documents exactly those pieces of code 
that we distribute.

> "There are a number of different approaches to solving the problem of
> replication, each with strengths and weaknesses. As a result, there
> are a number of different replication solutions available for
> PostgreSQL. To find out more, please refer to the website."

Well, that's what I've been talking about all along, and it has also 
been the resolution at the Toronto meeting.

Peter Eisentraut

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