
This just came out of the GORDA project.   I'd love to see the comments of our 
replication/clustering geeks here on the list.


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [Hackers] Standard interfaces for replication providers
Date: Friday 04 August 2006 02:09
From: Jose Orlando Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


We have just published the first draft of a proposal for standard  interfaces
for database replication protocols. This interface enables DBMS  independent
replication middleware, specifically, for eager and multi-master
replication. The proposed interface should also be useful for a wider range
of distributed database middleware.

This interface is currently rendered in Java and backed up by
 proof-of-concept implementations on PostgreSQL and Apache Derby, several toy
 applications, and a replication suite based on group communication.

Downloads of source code and documentation are available at:

We welcome the comments and suggestions of the open source database

Jose Orlando Pereira
Hackers mailing list


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Project
Core Team Member
(any opinions expressed are my own)

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