
> Could we see a concrete, real-world example?  So far I've seen a lot of
> arm-waving but nothing very specific.

Sure.  Imagine that you work for an arts nonprofit and you have 3 (or more) 
separate box office lists from last season, each of which has different 
amounts of contact information.  You want to get "best of" the information 
-- that is, address if it's available, zip if it's there, phone if it's 
there, etc.    FD will reduce that process from several procedural loops 
to a single query for the first pre-deduplication run.

Or, imagine that you have 5 weblogs in different formats from 5 different 
servers.   Due to the different logging/site design, you have and lack 
different information from each log.  You want to munge all of the data 
together to extract the maximum amount of data about each visitor you can 
get, without having multiple records per visit.

This supposition holds true for court records, customer records, etc ... 
anywhere you may have relational data with a high degree of incompleteness 
from different sources ... something I encountered on about 30% of all the 
DB development projects I worked on.

> You seem to have missed my point, which is that implementation as a new
> join type would probably have nothing in common with the
> externally-coded version.  The one and only reason for it to be in
> contrib instead of on pgfoundry is that you think it will get more
> attention that way. Which might be true, but it's a fairly weak argument
> for asking the core developers to take on maintenance and bug-fixing for
> what is ultimately going to be a dead-end code base.  

OK, point taken.  I'll admit that I had hopes for it for PR reasons, which 
is not usually why we make decisions.  It would be cool to be the first 
database system to ship with any implementation of Full Disjunctions, and 
I can't announce that if it's on pgFoundry.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

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