Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 31. August 2006 14:52 schrieb Csaba Nagy:
So for the like query case you could save 2 plans, one for the indexable
case, one for the not indexable case. Then at runtime you choose the
proper one based on the pattern value.

OK, why don't you work out an example.  Let's look at this query:


What two plans would you prepare?

Well I guess for the case that none of the "expected" plans fit you can always fallback to generating a new plan on the fly.

Anyways it would of course be cool if pgsql could set an invalid flag if it detects that a certain plan performed badly (maybe even automatically cause a fresh table analysis) or some DDL/DML was executed that likely invalidated the plan.

I am not sure if there is any "philosphie" that pgsql tries to adhere to. Does it want to leave the job of tuning to the DBA or does it want to do things automatically (which always means that in some situations it will do the wrong thing).

tweak planner vs. planner hints
manually analyze vs. automatically analyze
manual vaccum vs autovaccum

Hmm actually its probably not a black and white thing and the ultimate goal would be to offer both with maybe some installer checkbox to default everything to "DBA-less" automode.

Anyways I never liked the idea of planner hints. I think it makes much more sense to give people direct access to plans in that case. Meaning they can "partially" hardcode (parameterized) plans they want. I have mentioned before that Sybase seems to have such a feature (you can dump plans, tweak them and remove pieces that should be done on the fly and associate them with stored procedures - not sure if you also do that for prepared statements).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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