Is there anywhere we make use of this code that handles attlen == -2?

If so I'm curious where because I was thinking of doing something similar and
didn't realise we already had this capability. But I suspect it's just dead
code left over, possibly from the days before the Name data type?

 * att_addlength increments the given offset by the length of the attribute.
 * attval is only accessed if we are dealing with a variable-length attribute.
#define att_addlength(cur_offset, attlen, attval) \
( \
        ((attlen) > 0) ? \
        ( \
                (cur_offset) + (attlen) \
        ) \
        : (((attlen) == -1) ? \
        ( \
                (cur_offset) + VARATT_SIZE(DatumGetPointer(attval)) \
        ) \
        : \
        ( \
                AssertMacro((attlen) == -2), \
                (cur_offset) + (strlen(DatumGetCString(attval)) + 1) \
        )) \

  Gregory Stark

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