> I just had a look at the reports and it seems we have several
> things going on:
> 1) libpq gives additional information when not able to connect:
>       could not connect to server: Connection refused
> (0x0000274D/10061)
>    instead of just:
>       could not connect to server: Connection refused
>    Any idea?

Those are windows errorcodes (same code written in box hex and decimal).
Not really sure why we have it different on win32, but it has been like
that for ages.

> 2) Printf "%g" with a double high enough for an exponential output
> gives
>    a difference in the exponent. This is due to Windows using three
>    digits while the Unixes use just two, e.g. e+027 instead of
> e+27.

Yeah, this is known. You'll notice we have extra ouput files for the
standard regression tests to deal with this.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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