On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:08:07 -0400
Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Mark Woodward ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > If I am asking for a specific column value, should I, technically
> > speaking, need to group by that column?
> Technically speaking, if you're asking for a specific tuple, should you
> be allowed to request an aggregation?

One column value doesn't necessarily mean one tuple unless it has a
unique index on that column.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE field = 'value';

That's perfectly reasonable.  You don't need the GROUP BY clause.

However, this doesn't sound like a hackers question.  Next time, please
ask on another list such as pgsql-sql or even pgsql-novice.  You can
review the mailing lists and their purpose at

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