Alvaro Herrera napsal(a):
Zdenek Kotala wrote:
Tom Lane napsal(a):
Zdenek Kotala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I prepared patch which use oid output function instead regproc output. This change works only for COPY TO command.
This is not a bug and we're not going to fix it, most especially not
like that.
OK, The behavior of regproc type is described in the documentation, but if we don't fix it, than Some error message like "Regproc data type is not supported by COPY TO command" could be useful. Because you find that something is wrong when you want to restore data back and it should be too late.

But it works as "expected".  If the approach you suggest would be one we
would take, then it should emit the same error on SELECT as well,
shouldn't we?

It is right.

I think the problem is that regproc COPY is not useful to you for your
particular use case.  But there are workarounds, like the one I
suggested and you promptly ignored.

Yes, I read your suggestion It is useful form me thanks for that. But I thought how to remove that regproc limitation or how to avoid some confusing. Current mention about regproc limitation/behavior in the documentation is really best solution.

By the way, If I read carefully your suggestion, Tom's answer and documentation, correct solution (theoretical) is replace regproc by regprocedure datatype in the catalog, but there is problem in the boostrap phase?

        Thanks Zdenek

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