Josh Berkus wrote:
> Matt,
> > I now agree completely.  My purpose is to migrate Oracle databases to
> > Posgres, and I had thought that Oracle didn't support CURRENT_DATE,
> > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, and so on.  However, I've just learned otherwise. So,
> > I think the proper migration process for a production database would be
> > to first change the Oracle DB to use CURRENT_DATE (or some other
> > standard psuedo column), since that will work properly under both Oracle
> > and Postgres.
> Yep, or use the Orafce project.    We're happy to support compatibility 
> syntax 
> in completely separate add-in projects.  Just not in the core code.

How does Orafce allow for grammar extensions like what would be needed
for SYSDATE to work? (Note no parens)

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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