"Andrew Dunstan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We change libpq from time to time. Besides, how many DBs are there that
> match the name pattern /^conn:.*=/ ? My guess is mighty few. So I don't
> expect lots of surprise.

Um, but how many DB names have an "=" in them at all?

Basically what this proposal is about is migrating from separated
dbname/user/host/port/etc parameters to a unified conninfo parameter.
That seems to me like a good long-term objective, and so I'm willing
to break a few eggs on the way to the omelet, as long as we're not
breaking any very likely usages.

So: who here has a database with "=" in the name?  And hands up if
you've got a database whose name begins with "conn:"?

I'm betting zero response rate on both of those, so see no reason to
contort the long-term definition for a very marginal difference in
the extent of backwards compatibility ...

                        regards, tom lane

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