Hi everyone

I'm trying to test libxml on UnixWare and came with this problem:

Backend crashes with the follolwing log during make check when libxml is

parallel group (13 tests):  text boolean name char int2 varchar int8 float8 oid 
float4 int4 bit numeric
     boolean              ... ok
     char                 ... ok
     name                 ... ok
     varchar              ... ok
     text                 ... ok
     int2                 ... ok
     int4                 ... ok
     int8                 ... ok
     oid                  ... ok
     float4               ... ok
     float8               ... ok
     bit                  ... ok
     numeric              ... ok
test strings              ... ok
test numerology           ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  box path abstime comments lseg point tinterval time 
reltime timetz circle polygon inet interval type_sanity date timestamptz 
timestamp oidjoins opr_sanity
     point                ... ok
     lseg                 ... ok
     box                  ... ok
     path                 ... ok
     polygon              ... ok
     circle               ... ok
     date                 ... ok
     time                 ... ok
     timetz               ... ok
     timestamp            ... ok
     timestamptz          ... ok
     interval             ... ok
     abstime              ... ok
     reltime              ... ok
     tinterval            ... ok
     inet                 ... ok
     comments             ... ok
     oidjoins             ... ok
     type_sanity          ... ok
     opr_sanity           ... ok
test geometry             ... ok
test horology             ... ok
test insert               ... ok
test create_function_1    ... ok
test create_type          ... ok
test create_table         ... ok
test create_function_2    ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):  copyselect copy
     copy                 ... ok
     copyselect           ... ok
parallel group (8 tests):  create_operator create_aggregate vacuum 
drop_if_exists triggers constraints create_misc inherit
     constraints          ... ok
     triggers             ... ok
     create_misc          ... ok
     create_aggregate     ... ok
     create_operator      ... ok
     inherit              ... ok
     vacuum               ... ok
     drop_if_exists       ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):  create_view create_index
     create_index         ... ok
     create_view          ... ok
test sanity_check         ... ok
test errors               ... ok
test select               ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  select_distinct_on select_distinct select_into 
btree_index select_having union delete update case random aggregates hash_index 
namespace select_implicit portals arrays subselect transactions join 
     select_into          ... ok
     select_distinct      ... ok
     select_distinct_on   ... ok
     select_implicit      ... ok
     select_having        ... ok
     subselect            ... ok
     union                ... ok
     case                 ... ok
     join                 ... ok
     aggregates           ... ok
     transactions         ... ok
     random               ... ok
     portals              ... ok
     arrays               ... ok
     btree_index          ... ok
     hash_index           ... ok
     update               ... ok
     namespace            ... ok
     prepared_xacts       ... ok
     delete               ... ok
test privileges           ... ok
test misc                 ... ok
parallel group (7 tests):  portals_p2 guc dependency select_views cluster rules 
     select_views         ... ok
     portals_p2           ... ok
     rules                ... ok
     foreign_key          ... ok
     cluster              ... ok
     dependency           ... ok
     guc                  ... ok
parallel group (16 tests):  limit prepare polymorphism conversion copy2 
without_oid temp returning sequence xml alter_table truncate rangefuncs plpgsql 
rowtypes domain
     limit                ... ok
     plpgsql              ... FAILED
     copy2                ... ok
     temp                 ... ok
     domain               ... FAILED
     rangefuncs           ... FAILED
     prepare              ... ok
     without_oid          ... ok
     conversion           ... ok
     truncate             ... FAILED
     alter_table          ... FAILED
     sequence             ... ok
     polymorphism         ... ok
     rowtypes             ... FAILED
     returning            ... ok
     xml                  ... FAILED
test stats                ... FAILED
test tablespace           ... FAILED

In order to send a back trace, I recompiled with --enable-debug
--enable-cassert and regression test is ok!

What can I do next ?

Best regards,
Olivier PRENANT                 Tel: +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
15, Chemin des Monges                +33-5-61-50-97-01 (Fax)
31190 AUTERIVE                       +33-6-07-63-80-64 (GSM)
FRANCE                          Email: ohp@pyrenet.fr
Make your life a dream, make your dream a reality. (St Exupery)

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