> > > This commit message is rather old, I remarked on its absence earlier, but
> > > better late than never I guess ;)
> > 
> > Not sure what you mean.  I just committed it recently.  I held off
> > until after the release as requested.  What do you mean by "old?"
> You committed it five days ago, because the date on the email was Jan 2,
> but it only arrived today.  It should have appeard within minutes of the
> commit.

i'm sure it got stuck in the maia filter (happens all the time with delays of a 
couple of hours up to several days) or in the moderator steve (if the sender 
was'nt on the list allow. can happen since it was a long time since he last 
committed). check the headers if you still have the original mail around to see 
where it stuck.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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