On 1/11/07, Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jaime Casanova wrote:
> i'm trying to fix a problem related to the patch Albert sent in
> october (Tablespace for temporary objects and sort files)
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2006-10/msg00141.php
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2007-01/msg00063.php
> after reviewing this i notice this will not use different tablespaces
> in the case of having various connections all with just one temp
> table:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2007-01/msg00188.php
> what i'm trying to do it is share what's the next_temp_tablespace to
> use...
> the other way to do this is as you say using tables, but i don't think
> this is a good idea in this case...
> comments?

Why not make it probabilistic by using, say, MyProcPid % n where n is the
number of tablespaces? Then you don't need anything shared.

mmm... is not great to try to kill flies with tanks? ;)
thanks for the idea, i will try it

Jaime Casanova

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